Master Solver


Section 363 of IPC – An Overview

Section 363 of IPC

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the primary criminal code of India, which defines the various offenses, punishments, and procedures for the prosecution of crimes. One such section of the IPC is section 363, which deals with kidnapping. In this article, we will discuss in detail section 363 of the IPC, its provisions, punishments, and other relevant details.

Section 363 of IPC

Introduction to Section 363 of IPC

Section 363 of IPC defines the offense of kidnapping, which is an act of taking or enticing a person away from his or her lawful guardianship. The section specifies the circumstances under which such an act is considered as an offense and the punishment for the same.

Understanding the Provisions of Section 363

The following are the key provisions of section 363 of IPC:

Definition of Kidnapping

According to section 363, kidnapping is defined as the act of taking or enticing away a minor or a person of unsound mind from lawful guardianship without the consent of the guardian.

Consent of Minor

If the minor is above 12 years of age, and he or she gives consent to go with the kidnapper, then it is not considered as an offense under this section.

Kidnapping from Lawful Guardianship

The offense of kidnapping is committed when a person is taken away from lawful guardianship. Lawful guardianship includes the custody of a parent, a guardian appointed by a court, or any other person who has lawful authority to take care of the minor.


If the act of taking or enticing away a minor is done in good faith, for his or her own benefit, then it is not considered as an offense under this section.

Punishment for Offense of Kidnapping

The punishment for the offense of kidnapping under section 363 of IPC is imprisonment for a term that may extend to seven years, along with a fine. However, if the person kidnapped is a minor below the age of 16 years, the punishment may extend to imprisonment for ten years, along with a fine.

Case Laws Related to Section 363

There have been several cases in India where section 363 of IPC has been invoked. One such case is that of “Gopal Das vs. State of Assam” where the accused was charged with kidnapping a minor girl. The court held that the act of taking the minor girl away from her lawful guardianship without their consent amounted to kidnapping under section 363 of IPC.


Section 363 of IPC is a crucial provision that deals with the offense of kidnapping. It defines the circumstances under which such an act is considered an offense and the punishment for the same. The provision has been invoked in several cases across India, and it continues to play an essential role in ensuring justice in cases of kidnapping.


What is the punishment for kidnapping under section 363 of IPC?

The punishment for kidnapping under section 363 of IPC is imprisonment for a term that may extend to seven years, along with a fine.

What is the definition of kidnapping under section 363 of IPC?

According to section 363, kidnapping is defined as the act of taking or enticing away a minor or a person of unsound mind from lawful guardianship without the consent of the guardian.

Is kidnapping a bailable offense under section 363 of IPC?

The offense of kidnapping under section 363 of IPC is a non-bailable offense.

Can a minor’s consent be a defense against the offense of kidnapping under section 363 of IPC?

If the minor is above 12 years of age, and he or she gives consent to go with the kidnapper, then it is not considered as an offense under this section.

What is the exception to the offense of kidnapping under section 363 of IPC?

If the act of taking or enticing away a minor is done in good faith, for his or her own benefit, then it is not considered as an offense under this section.

Can a person be charged with kidnapping if he or she takes away an adult?

No, section 363 of IPC applies only to minors or persons of unsound mind who are taken away from their lawful guardianship.

Can the punishment for kidnapping under section 363 of IPC be increased in certain circumstances?

Yes, if the person kidnapped is a minor below the age of 16 years, the punishment may extend to imprisonment for ten years, along with a fine.

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