Master Solver


Rejection of Plaint

Rejection of Plaint: Understanding the Reasons and Remedies

When a plaintiff files a suit in a court of law, the first step is the filing of the plaint. The plaint contains the details of the case, including the parties involved, the cause of action, and the relief sought. However, not all plaints are accepted by the court. There are situations when the plaint is rejected by the court for various reasons. In this article, we will explore the reasons why plaints are rejected and the remedies available to the plaintiff.

Rejection of Plaint

Understanding Rejection of Plaint

Rejection of plaint is the dismissal of the plaintiff’s claim by the court before it is heard on merits. The court can reject the plaint for various reasons, including:

1. Defects in the plaint

The court can reject the plaint if it is not drafted in accordance with the procedural rules. The plaint should contain all the necessary details, including the name and address of the parties, the cause of action, and the relief sought. If the plaint is defective, the court can reject it.

2. Lack of jurisdiction

The court can reject the plaint if it does not have the jurisdiction to hear the case. Jurisdiction refers to the power of the court to hear and determine the case. If the court lacks jurisdiction, it cannot hear the case and can reject the plaint.

3. Barred by limitation

The court can reject the plaint if the suit is barred by limitation. Limitation refers to the time period within which a plaintiff can file a suit. If the plaintiff files the suit after the expiry of the limitation period, the court can reject the plaint.

4. Non-compliance with mandatory provisions

The court can reject the plaint if the plaintiff does not comply with the mandatory provisions of the law. For example, if the plaintiff fails to comply with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, the court can reject the plaint.

Remedies Available to the Plaintiff

If the plaint is rejected by the court, the plaintiff can take the following remedies:

1. Filing of a fresh plaint

The plaintiff can file a fresh plaint in accordance with the procedural rules. The fresh plaint should address the defects in the earlier plaint and comply with the provisions of the law.

2. Appeal against the rejection of plaint

The plaintiff can file an appeal against the rejection of plaint. The appeal should be filed within the time limit prescribed by the law. The appellate court can either set aside the rejection of plaint or dismiss the appeal.

3. Filing of a revision petition

The plaintiff can file a revision petition before the High Court against the rejection of plaint. The revision petition should be filed within the time limit prescribed by the law. The High Court can either set aside the rejection of plaint or dismiss the petition.


Rejection of plaint can be a setback for the plaintiff, but it is not the end of the road. The plaintiff can take the remedies available to him and pursue his case. However, it is important to ensure that the plaint is drafted in accordance with the procedural rules and complies with the provisions of the law to avoid rejection.


What is rejection of plaint?

Rejection of plaint is the dismissal of the plaintiff’s claim by the court before it is heard on merits.

What are the reasons for rejection of plaint?

The reasons for rejection of plaint include defects in the plaint, lack of jurisdiction, barred by limitation, and non-compliance with mandatory provisions.

What are the remedies available to the plaintiff if the plaint is rejected?

The remedies available to the plaintiff include filing of a fresh plaint, appeal against the rejection of plaint, and filing of a revision petition.

Can rejection of plaint be challenged in the court?

Yes, rejection of plaint can be challenged in the court by filing an appeal or a revision petition.

How can a plaintiff avoid rejection of plaint?

A plaintiff can avoid rejection of plaint by ensuring that the plaint is drafted in accordance with the procedural rules and complies with the provisions of the law.

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