Master Solver


PNR Status

PNR Status

PNR (Passenger Name Record) status is a record that contains information about the passenger’s journey and ticket details. It is a unique 10-digit number assigned to each passenger or group of passengers traveling together on a train. The PNR number is printed on the ticket and can be used to check the current status of the reservation.

PNR Status

PNR status can be checked online through various websites or mobile applications. The PNR status provides information about the current status of the booking, including the seat or berth number, coach number, and the status of the booking (confirmed, waitlisted, or RAC – Reservation Against Cancellation). Checking PNR status helps passengers to know the current status of their reservation, and they can plan their journey accordingly.

Checking the PNR status has become very convenient, as it can be done online through various websites or mobile applications. The Indian Railways website, IRCTC, is one of the most popular websites to check PNR status in India. Additionally, various third-party websites and mobile applications also provide this service. Checking the PNR status before starting the journey can help passengers to avoid any inconvenience during their travel.

PNR Status

PNR Status