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Indian Constitution Article 2: Understanding the Territory and Union

Indian Constitution Article 2:

The Indian Constitution is a lengthy document that outlines the fundamental principles, rights, and duties of the citizens of India. Article 2 of the Indian Constitution discusses the territory of India and the Union. This article specifies the process for admission or establishment of new states or union territories, as well as the administration of the Union and its territories. In this article, we will explore the details of Article 2 of the Indian Constitution.

Indian Constitution Article 2

Understanding the Territory of India

The Indian Constitution is very specific about the territory of India. According to Article 1 of the Constitution, India is a Union of States, and the territory of India comprises the territories of the states, union territories, and any other area that may be acquired by India in the future. Article 2 of the Constitution allows for the admission or establishment of new states or union territories, but it specifies the process for doing so.

Admission or Establishment of New States or Union Territories

According to Article 2 of the Indian Constitution, Parliament may, by law, admit into the Union or establish new states on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit. This means that if a region wants to become a state or union territory of India, it must first be approved by Parliament. The Parliament will then create a law that specifies the terms and conditions for the admission or establishment of the new state or union territory.

Merging of States or Union Territories

Article 2 of the Constitution also allows for the merging of states or union territories. This means that if two or more states or union territories want to merge, they must first be approved by Parliament. The Parliament will then create a law that specifies the terms and conditions for the merger.

Understanding the Union and its Territories

Article 2 of the Indian Constitution also discusses the Union and its territories. The Union is the federal government of India, and it has the power to make laws for the entire country. The Union is made up of the President, the Vice President, the Prime Minister, and other Ministers.

Administration of Union Territories

The Union territories of India are administered by the President through an administrator appointed by him. The administrator of a union territory is an officer of the Indian Administrative Service, who is appointed by the President. The administrator is responsible for the administration of the union territory on behalf of the President.

Puducherry: A Special Case

Puducherry is a union territory of India that has a unique status. According to Article 2 of the Indian Constitution, Puducherry is administered by a Lieutenant Governor appointed by the President. However, Puducherry also has an elected legislature and a Chief Minister. This means that Puducherry has some of the powers of a state, as well as some of the powers of a union territory.


Article 2 of the Indian Constitution is an important article that outlines the territory of India and the Union. This article specifies the process for admission or establishment of new states or union territories, as well as the administration of the Union and its territories. Understanding this article is crucial for understanding the structure of the Indian government and its territories.


What is the territory of India according to the Constitution?

The territory of India comprises the territories of the states, union territories, and any other area that may be acquired by India in the future.

What is the process for admission or establishment of new states or union territories?

Parliament may, by law, admit into the Union or establish new states on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.

Can states or union territories be merged?

Yes, states or union territories can be merged, but they must first be approved by Parliament.

Who administers the Union territories of India?

The Union territories of India are administered by the President through an administrator appointed by him.

What is the unique status of Puducherry?

Puducherry has an elected legislature and a Chief Minister, but it is also administered by a Lieutenant Governor appointed by the President.

Can the Union government make laws for the entire country?

Yes, the Union government has the power to make laws for the entire country.

Who is responsible for the administration of a union territory?

The administrator of a union territory is responsible for its administration on behalf of the President.

How is the administrator of Puducherry appointed?

The administrator of Puducherry is an officer of the Indian Administrative Service who is appointed by the President.

Can a region become a state or union territory of India without approval from Parliament?

No, Parliament must first approve the admission or establishment of new states or union territories.

What is the importance of understanding Article 2 of the Indian Constitution?

Understanding Article 2 is crucial for understanding the structure of the Indian government and its territories.

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